BANTAO Kongresi / BANTAO Congress



Ayla San'ın yaptığı konuşma


Dear Chairmen, Directors, and Colleagues, 

Participating in the 13th BANTAO Congress is very invaluable for me. I was so excited to hear this news that I couldn’t stop bursting into tears.

Nephrology Department did not exist at the time when I was doing my post graduate studies in Internal Medicine. Renal biopsy, peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis were practiced in the/our clinic, which I found very interesting. My professor Cavit Sokmen had a book on kidney diseases at the time. After I studied the book, I was even more interested in the subject. The fact that the two kidneys have so many functions fascinated me.

Despite serious difficulties I have faced, I have never given up because I have taken over a mission. As a result, I established  Anatolian Kidney Foundation in order  to overcome  problems.

With the belief that “Being alive is beautiful but enabling living is even more beautiful than being alive”, which is our motto, I continued my studies.

I have reached my goal as the result of my hard work.

We issue our newspaper Renaliz online currently.

One important deficiency was left and it was The History of Turkish Nephrology.

 I finally accomplished my goal after long and hard work by compiling and editing The History of Turkish  Nephrology, which is being updated now.

I would like to thank all those who encouraged, supported and inspired me, especially my family, my teachers and  all the organizations of Turkish Nephrology.

I also would like to thank ISN, of which I have been a member since 1981 and President Feehally and all the members of Central and Eastern Europe Committee for seeing me worthy of this award. I hope to do more valuable work together later in life.


Prof. Ayla SAN, MD